Black Education & Economics
Dr. Ashonta Wyatt breaks down the condition of our schools & education system and offers solutions.
Financial Analyst Tamah Yisrael with The New Orleans Coop & TMH Financial providing solutions to our community's economic crisis and giving us genius examples of Cooperative Economics.
Principles of Divine Femininity & Masculinity
Life Coach Sunni Patterson builds a collective ancestral alter and a self love alter and dives into the dynamics of Divine Femininity followed by affirmations.
Author Bro. Shack walks us through the Socialization of Masculinity and how it affects the way we view femininity. He also explains right brain (Feminine) and left brain (Masculine) activity and asks him simple, but thought provoking question: What is a man?
Upcoming Blueprint To Freedom Workshops
Our Blueprint To Freedom Seminars are designed to approach and resolve issues faced within the Black community ranging from education to parenting. Each of our seminars consist of two workshops moderated by experts in the topic. Please see our proposed schedule below and register as a member to receive updates on dates, times, and moderators.
Divine Feminine Affirmations
Adding Value
What is a Man?
What is a BLACK Man?